East Johnson Street Reconstruction Wins State Finalist Award

The East Johnson Reconstruction project was selected for a State Finalist award through the American Council of Engineering Companies of Wisconsin Engineering Excellence Awards Competition. The project team will be recognized at the awards banquet on October 1st, 2021, at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin. East Johnson Street is one of three primary east/west arterials on the east ...

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Verona Road Stage 2 Featured on the Cover of Roads & Bridges Magazine

Stage 2 of the US 18/151 Verona Road project that included the $86.7 million reconstruction of Verona Road between County PD and Raymond Road, and County PD between Fitchrona Road and Commerce Park Drive, in Dane County, Wisconsin, was completed in November 2020. A phased approach was used to keep this heavily-traveled regional corridor open to traffic during construction. Construction ...

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Two Projects Receive American Council of Engineering Companies National Recognition Award

Two projects designed by Strand Associates, Inc.® were recognized as 2020 National Recognition Award winners by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC). The Phase I Study of Illinois Route 47 in McHenry County, Illinois, and the South Fourth Street Streetscape project in Louisville, Kentucky, were acknowledged for their engineering accomplishments. Both projects first qualified at the state level before ...

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Bargersville Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Wins Honor Award

The Bargersville Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements project was selected for an Honor Award through the American Council of Engineering Companies of Indiana 2021 Engineering Excellence Awards competition. In 2017, the discharge permit for the Town of Bargersville was revised to 1.0 mg/L total phosphorus limit and ongoing and anticipated future development in town was expected to increase flows beyond the ...

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Conagra Groundbreaking

Conagra Brands recently broke ground on its new vegetable processing facility in Waseca, Minnesota. The project is being completed in a phased approach with several building packages being released as phases are completed. We are providing architectural, structural, plumbing, fire protection, office HVAC, and building electrical design services. We have designed the foundations package and building envelope to date. Underground ...

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Joliet’s Collaborative Approach to CSOs Wins Honor Award and Judge’s Choice Award

The City of Joliet’s eastside sewer system is primarily a combined sewer system, spanning both sides of the Des Plaines River. Since 1985, the City has reduced its number of permitted Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) outfalls from 32 to 8 through successful basin separation efforts. The City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requires reducing the overflow frequency from ...

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Completing the Legacy: Fourth Street Corridor & Legacy Trail Phase 3 Wins Grand Award

The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (LFUCG) hired us to complete the Legacy Trail project, effectively creating lasting legacies of the 2010 International World Equestrian Games (WEG) and highlighting the rich contribution of the East End Neighborhood to the horse racing industry. A project focus was revitalization of the Third Street Corridor and creation of a shared use trail and park ...

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Verona Road Construction Nearing Completion

Verona Road is an important commuter corridor for Madison area businesses that links key economic centers from Iowa to Northeastern Wisconsin. After seven years, construction is finally coming to an end. The smoother, wider, and safer roadway now has improved intersections and fewer stops, cutting drive times for commuters, regional trucking, and visitors from around the state of Wisconsin and ...

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Fond du Lac Implements First of Its Kind Sidestream Deammonification Process and Wins State Finalist Award

The City of Fond du Lac designed and started up a sidestream deammonification process – the first in Wisconsin, the second in the Midwest, and the first in the United States to use the Paques AnammoPAQ™ process. We were hired by the City to complete the design and startup of this innovative project, which was selected for a State Finalist ...

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City of Wisconsin Rapids Wins American Public Works Association National Environmental Project of the Year Award – Small Cities/Rural Communities

The Wisconsin River bisects the City of Wisconsin Rapids, with the City’s wastewater treatment plant on the east side and a dated pumping station on the west side. The west side pumping station receives flows from industrial customers, including Ocean Spray and Advanced Disposal, and with future planning maps showing significant industrial growth, improvements were required to avoid a potential ...

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Lawrenceburg Civic Park Creates a Signature Gathering Space and Wins Merit Award

In an area that used to be two paved parking lots, we helped the City of Lawrenceburg (population 5,042) create a new Civic Park, complete with a state-of-the-art performance stage and sound system, green room, large green spaces for outdoor entertainment and relaxing, screen and rear-projection television, public family restroom, splash pad, and public Wi-Fi. The park and stage serve ...

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City of Wisconsin Rapids East Grand Avenue Reconstruction Wins Best Local Program Design

The reconstruction of East Grand Avenue transformed the project corridor into a gateway to downtown Wisconsin Rapids by enhancing mobility for vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian modes of travel. The existing facility had two eastbound travel lanes and one westbound travel lane, on-street parking and sidewalk on both sides, but no bicycle accommodations. The 0.5-mile project included: Elimination of the second ...

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IDOT IL 47 Study Relieves Woodstock Congestion and Wins Honor Award

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) engaged us for the Phase I Study of Illinois Route 47 (IL 47) from US Route 14 to Charles Road through the city of Woodstock in McHenry County, Illinois. The IL 47 study recommends multi-lane roundabouts to accommodate the projected 34,000 daily travelers. The existing three-lane corridor is to be widened to four lanes ...

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Lake Forest Responds Quickly to Obsolete Membranes and Wins Project of the Year Award

The City of Lake Forest Drinking Water Treatment Plant Improvements project was presented a Project of the Year Award through the Chicago Metro Chapter–Lake Branch of the American Public Works Association on January 28 in Libertyville, Illinois. When the City found out its membrane manufacturer would no longer supply the membranes used at the City’s water treatment plant, the City ...

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Cary Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase I Improvements Wins Project of the Year Award

The Village of Cary, Illinois, Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Phase I Improvements project was selected for a Project of the Year Award through the Chicago Metro Chapter–Fox Valley Branch of the American Public Works Association; the award was presented on January 14 in Aurora, Illinois. The Village operates a WWTP that discharges into the Fox River. The Illinois Environmental Protection ...

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Ravinia Avenue Roundabout and Village Hall Complex Improvements Wins Project of the Year Award While Providing a Safer Intersection and More Visually Appealing Corridor

The Village of Orland Park desired to improve the safety, capacity, and access for all transit, while providing an alluring gateway to its Village Hall complex. A Surface Transportation Program grant helped fund the Village’s first roundabout at the intersection of Ravinia Avenue and 147th Street. We designed a single-lane roundabout with a multi-use path, as well as ornamental lights ...

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South Fourth Street Streetscape Improvements Revives a Historic Corridor and Wins Honor Award

Louisville Metro Government and the Louisville Downtown Partnership collaborated to revive the historic South Fourth Street corridor. We were engaged in this multiyear, multiphase project during the implementation of Phase I to provide design services for Phase II. We then led Phase III that features raised intersections to facilitate safe pedestrian movement though the corridor, roadway realignment to remove the ...

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Future Opening of Verona Road Celebrated with Ribbon Cutting Event

The USH 18/151 (Verona Road) project reconstructs one of the busiest corridors in the Madison metropolitan area. It is part of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s (WisDOT) Majors Program and is divided into two major stages. Stage 1 included the reconstruction of Verona Road between Raymond Road and the West Madison Beltline (Beltline) and the Beltline between Whitney Way and ...

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Strand Associates, Inc.