Strand News

Water supply is a major focus of our environmental services. We provide a complete range of supply, storage, pumping, distribution, treatment, security, and supervisory system control services, from planning phase, through design, and into construction. In addition, we prepare comprehensive water system study and distribution system analyses, vulnerability assessments, water loss studies, distribution and water quality models, field investigations, loan and financing plans, and other specialty studies.

Our Unique Value Includes…

• Extensive experience with both large- and small-capacity systems.

• Expertise and experience in developing surface water and groundwater drinking water supplies.

• Extensive experience with rural and urban water systems.

• Expertise in many non-technical elements, such as public relations, permits, project financing, and easement acquisitions.

Contact us for more information about our Water Supply Services.

Corrosion Control

Corrosion Control

Aging infrastructure, changes in water chemistry, and switching sources are some of the many circumstances that may lead to water distribution system corrosion or scaling. Our qualified staff has assisted numerous Utilities in evaluating the potential...
Source Supply

Source Supply

Whether groundwater or surface water, our engineers are routinely assisting clients with investigating, testing, and developing new sources of water supply. We have designed more than 100 new water wells, from shallow sand and gravel wells, to intermediate-depth...


Our water main work has ranged from threading replacement mains through existing utility-crowded streets to preparing plans for new subdivisions to allow critical development to proceed. Our projects have included everything from extension of mains to...
System Master Planning

System Master Planning

We are recognized as experts in the analysis and evaluation of water systems through master planning. We have conducted many master planning efforts for communities with populations of 400 to major metropolitan areas. Water system master planning establishes...
Water Treatment

Water Treatment

Considered experts in water treatment, our engineers have the experience needed to implement treatment strategies to handle issues ranging from simple nuisance contaminants to complex problems such as VOCs, PFAS, and challenging surface water sources. The...
Construction-Related Services

Construction-Related Services

Engineering services performed during construction are critical to project success. Our engineers and technicians have the experience needed to look out for the interests of our clients throughout construction. From office work to onsite construction...
Hydraulic Modeling

Hydraulic Modeling

A water model can help identify deficiencies in current systems and prepare for future system expansion. Often, a community knows the issues present in its system, such as high or low pressures, inadequate fire supply, water hammer, or frequent water...
Water Storage

Water Storage

Throughout our history, we have designed countless water storage facilities, including tanks of different shapes, styles, and sizes. Our elevated storage experience ranges from modern single-pedestal tanks to simpler standpipes, with tank sizes ranging...
Asset Management

Asset Management

We provide a variety of asset management services to assist clients in the critical task of effectively managing water infrastructure assets within the constraints of fiscal budgets. We help clients develop programs that anticipate potential infrastructure...

Strand Associates, Inc.