The Marquette Green Infrastructure Project, which earned a 2022 American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Wisconsin Engineering Excellence State Finalist Award, transformed underutilized land into a sustainable stormwater treatment solution that also serves as an amenity for the community. The project’s location beneath the elevated bridge decks of the Marquette Interchange provides a unique opportunity to collect and treat stormwater prior to its discharge to the City of Milwaukee’s combined sewer system or the Menomonee River. Project elements included three bioretention basins with a combined area of 8,600 square feet, a 1,700-foot permeable maintenance path, rock-lined channels, a permeable paver plaza, and approximately 4 acres of native landscaping. The team also designed innovative pre-treatment devices, including stone filtration baskets, a baffle manhole, and a v-notch weir settling basin. Overall, the project provides more than 290,000 gallons of stormwater capture capacity from nearly 6 acres of freeway, annually, and improves connectivity between West St. Paul Avenue and the Marquette University Campus.

Click here to learn more about the Marquette Interchange Green Infrastructure Project.