The $103 million Lick Run Valley Conveyance System and Greenway project is one of the largest green infrastructure projects in the country for reducing combined sewer overflows (CSO). This 1.5-mile corridor provides watershed management, flood control, stormwater conveyances, storage and reuse, and water quality treatment, all integrated into an open channel and civic park complementing the South Fairmont neighbor’s historical and cultural charm. The channel and surrounding green space are the principal elements of the project and are also proving to be a catalyst for the redevelopment of this once-blighted neighborhood. The 2,700-acre Lick Run Watershed contains the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati’s (MSDGC) largest CSO. The project team identified that by reclaiming the Lick Run waterway from its 19-foot-tall, brick combined sewer, constructed 120 years earlier, MSDGC could save millions of dollars over the traditional deep tunnel conveyance system, while providing the local neighborhood and surrounding community with a focal point for economic redevelopment. Other community revitalization elements include the reconstruction of roadways and eleven intersections, streetscape improvements with five new vehicular bridges, and 2 miles of shared-use paths and sidewalks.
Other Lick Run awards:
Lick Run Win ASCE National Innovation in Sustainable Engineering Award for 2023
Lick Run Project Wins Second Place NAFSMA Innovative Projects Award
Lick Run Greenway Wins ACEC National Engineering Excellence Grand Award
Lick Run Greenway – Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSDGC), OH
All Strand Associates, Inc. Awards