The $103 million, Lick Run Valley Conveyance System and Greenway project, which is one of the largest green infrastructure projects for reducing combined sewer overflows (CSO) in the country, has been awarded an American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) National Innovation in Sustainable Engineering award. This is the third national award the Lick Run project has won.
Components of this award-winning corridor improvement project include:
- Restoration of 5,600 linear feet of stream corridor with an open channel and box conduit conveyance system along with 97,380 linear feet of new storm sewer
- 6,500 linear feet of a shared-use path
- 3,000 linear feet of other walks and paths
- Six new vehicular bridges, new sidewalks, curb ramps, and street lighting
- An off-road, multi-use, paved, pedestrian-friendly path along the channel corridor
- Green infrastructure bioswales, bioretention areas, and other drainage improvements to treat roadway runoff and convey overland flows during the 25- and 100-year storms
- Enhancement of existing ravines for water quality treatment and slope stabilization
- Bicycle and pedestrian signage
- Streetscape and open space lighting
- Pedestrian bridge and boardwalk
Click here to learn more about the Lick Run Greenway project.