In 1992, the Village of Orland Park completed construction of its Village Hall complex adjacent to Ravinia Avenue. Ravinia Avenue is an important north-south collector that carries 9,000 vehicles daily and provides access to facilities, such as the Orland Township headquarters, police department, library, and Orland fire protection district. The Village Hall complex contains three buildings – the Village Hall, Civic Center, and Recreational Center – along with an outdoor theatre and five parking lots. The complex sees thousands of users a day with various seasonal events and daily operations.
The surrounding area has experienced substantial growth, with increased volumes of vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians causing delays and queuing of traffic at the intersection of Ravinia Avenue and 147th Street. Our design included improvements to that four-way stop controlled intersection designed to meet the Village’s desires to increase safety, capacity, and access for all transit, while providing a charming gateway to the complex. The Village received a Surface Transportation Program (STP) grant to construct its first roundabout and hired us to perform Phases I, II, and III of the project. A second project improved the Village Hall complex with a new parking lot surface, new lighting, and aesthetic improvements. The roundabout project we completed now serves as an important gateway to the Village Hall complex.
2020 APWA Chicago Metro Chapter-Southwest Branch Project of the Year Award Winner
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