The City of Athens Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is a 4.8 MGD average-daily flow, 8.1 MGD peak-hourly flow facility. We completed a wastewater treatment plant facilities plan that identified hydraulic capacity deficiencies, odor issues, needed process robustness improvements, replacement of equipment that was beyond its expected useful life, and capacity issues associated with growth. The facilities planning effort focused on the “forward flow” processes.
To address capacity concerns and future growth, we recommended replacing the existing rectangular primary and secondary clarifiers with circular secondary clarifiers, which was expected to reduce operational and maintenance costs, improve process performance, and reduce odors.
Our design included the construction of several existing unit process upgrades to improve treatment efficiency and plant safety. The existing manual screens were replaced with screens that more efficiently remove plastics and debris automatically.
Grit is currently removed using an aerated grit tank that is a source of odors. The project used a covered vortex grit chamber to remove grit and a covered dumpster located within the new preliminary treatment building. Odorous air contained within the covers is treated with a biological odor control system. Septage receiving was incorporated into the design to generate additional revenue and help fulfill the need for septage receiving facilities in Athens County.
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