We developed project concepts and designed a total of six roundabouts at two interchanges along US 51: three on Windsor Road and three on County Highway V. We were involved from plan development through design, allowing us to efficiently complete the design. All six roundabouts are multilane and three of them have at least one three-lane approach. Each series of three roundabouts are closely spaced and are on corridors with additional intersections and access points. The three intersections on Windsor Road are all located within a 1,600-foot section. The three intersections on County Highway V are all within 1,000 feet of each other. These closely spaced intersections required further analysis and detailed design considerations. Our ability to efficiently move traffic through closely spaced intersections utilizing appropriate traffic control, including pavement markings and signage, is highlighted through this project. In addition, we assisted the Wisconsin Department of Transportation in the public engagement process by completing microsimulation modeling to visually communicate traffic impacts to local officials and the public.
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