We have provided Navasota airport development services since 2004, including preparation of a TxDOT-funded Airport Development Plan, new hangar development plans, and design of a new Avgas and Jet-A fuel farm and navigational aids. The most recent project included airport facilities layout planning, right-of-way surveys and acquisition, airside and landside infrastructure design, construction management and observation, and instrument approaches, all for a new 5,000-foot runway, a full-length parallel taxiway, all new airfield lighting, a substantial hangar access taxiway expansion, significant drainage improvements, and security/game fencing. Our construction phasing allowed continued aircraft operations on the existing 3,200-foot runway, as well as reuse of recycled paving materials into the new runway pavement section. These actions served to minimize impacts to aircraft operations and construction costs. We also provided a terminal area plan detailing future hangar development.
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