The Ames Community School District facilities at Dotson Drive and Mortenson Road did not have a roadway connection across College Creek to the north. An extension across the creek was needed to reduce traffic problems and to allow access to the school’s facilities on the north side of College Creek.

As this area of College Creek is in a detailed study area as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), any grading within the floodplain required permitting through the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) floodplain department for verify federal requirements were being accomplished with the design. As the roadway included extensive fill to allow the twin 8’x8’ box culvert construction and roadway installation, hydraulic analysis was necessary to verify that the proposed improvements would not negatively alter the floodplain and affect nearby properties.

We completed a hydraulic analysis of the box culverts to verify capacity and produce the required documentation to obtain a floodplain permit from the IDNR. This included a comprehensive analysis of the box culvert design, and other improvements for the roadway crossing, that meet the requirements of FEMA. This timely analysis allowed for development plans to be completed and improvements to be installed prior to the next school year.

This connection allows for improved traffic conditions during school events and activities. In addition, the roadway allows the school to have vehicular traffic access to its recreational facilities north of College Creek.

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